2009年5月13日 星期三

US REexamination Procedure

(1) 為一專利核准後(post grant)程序,與我國的再審查程序 不同,其目的與我國之舉發程序 的目的較為類似,在於提供法院訴訟以外的程序,解決已核准專利有效性(validity)的爭議。
(2) 任何人認為某書面前案資料(限於其他專利或印刷物品)與某一專利其中任何專利權項的可專利性有關,得在該專利有效任何時間內引證該書面前案資料至專利商標局請求進行再審查。請求人需敘明前案引證資料與再審查請求之每一專利權項的關聯性並繳交費用。
(3) 若專利商標局認為所引證前案並未呈現實質新可專利性問題,則駁回請求, (再審查請求是否核准的門檻在於所引述的前案是否呈現實質新可專利性問題,其目的在於經由專利商標局的初步篩選,減少專利權人被不適當再審查請求騷擾),請求人可於一個月內向專利商標局Director提出請願(petition),但不得提起上訴(appeal) 。若專利商標局認為所引證前案對於該專利至少一專利權項,呈現實質新可專利性問題,則准許再審查請求,其後並發佈一再審查命令,再審查該專利之全部專利權項 。
(4) 任何人包括專利權人均可提出再審查請求,專利商標局得在無請求人情況下,自行對一專利進行單方再審查程序。
(5) 專利再審查可能導致其部分或全部專利權項撤銷或使得全部或部份專利權項需作專利範圍限縮修正。
(6) 目前美國再審查分為
a. 單方(ex parte)再審查程序
b. 多方(Inter parte)再審查程序
(7) 單方(ex parte)再審查程序
a. 當再審查請求人非專利權人時,在專利權人提出說明後,兩個月內,再審查請求人,可於兩個月內對專利權人之說明提出回應(reply) 。之後,再審查請求人就不得參與再審查程序,其後的程序如同審查委員審查新的專利申請案,參與者僅限於專利商標局與專利權人,故稱為單方再審查程序 。
b. 在再審查程序完成後,專利商標局發佈一再審查認證(reexamination certificate)並寄送給專利權人,再審查認證內容公佈於官方專利公報中(Official Gazette),其內容包括確認哪些專利權項被撤銷(cancelled),哪些專利權項被確認(confirmed)以及哪些修正(amended)後或新增專利權項經確認具可專利性等 。
c. 專利權人對於再審查結果不滿意時,可上訴至專利上訴及既爭議委員會(Board of Patent Appeal and Interference, BPAI)或上訴至聯邦巡迴上訴法院(Court of Appeal of Federal Circuit, CAFC) 或在哥倫比亞特區地方法院(District Court for the
d. District of Columbia) 提起訴訟,但再審查請求人則不可對再審查結果提起任何上訴。
e. 由於單方再審查程序僅允許再審查請求人在再審查程序開始後1次陳述其意見的機會,且若專利權人選擇不說明其專利可專利性理由時,則再審查請求人完全沒機會參與 ,同時再審查請求人不得對再審查結果提起上訴,因此再審查請求人在單方再審查程序中,與專利權人處於不平等地位,與法院審理專利有效性問題時,每一方有均等的機會參與不同,因此單方再審查程序對專利權人的競爭者而言,並無法取代法院審理專利有效性問題時可充分參與的優點,因此專利權人的競爭者可能選擇保留有力的前案作證據至法院時方提出 。
f. 單方再審查程序常被專利權人用來強化對其專利信心的手段。
(8) 多方(Inter parte)再審查程序
a. 有鑒於單方再審查程序無法提供再審查請求人充分參與的機會,在單方再審查程序實行19年後(1999),國會 通過於專利法中增加新章節 :『多方再審查程序』。
b. 多方再審查程序給予再審查請求人更多機會參與再審查程序及提供再審查請求人上訴機會,同時也增加一些限制。多方再審查程序大致遵循單方再審查程序,其中兩者主要不同處如下表所示:

單方(ex parte)再審查程序
多方(Inter parte)再審查程序
US$ 2,520
US$ 8,800
若相同議題已在先前的民事訴訟中或先前的再審查程序提出,則再審查請求人不得就該議題提出多方再審查程序要求 。

多方再審查程序只適用於申請日在1999年11月29日(含) 以後的專利。
無論是單方或多方再審查程序,其所有相關文件對大眾公開並供複印 。
(9) 當正在再審查程序中的專利牽涉到專利訴訟時,專利商標局之Director,有權暫停再審查程序等待法院審理結果,同樣的法院基於尊重專利商標局在審理專利方面的專業性及相信專利商標局有更多資源處理專利有效性爭議問題下,可以暫停法院審理程序,等待專利商標局再審查程序結果 。
(10) 當法院審理專利有效性問題時,依照專利法第282節 規定,推定專利有效(presumption of validity),但專利商標局審理再審查程序時,則當作重新審理新的申請案,並不推定專利有效 。由於專利是經由專利商標局審理及發證,一般相信專利商標局不傾向撤銷自己發證專利的所有專利權項,而當法院當直接審理專利有效性爭議時,對專利的有效性的審理較為嚴謹。
(11) 對於想撤銷專利權人專利的競爭者而言,單方或多方再審查程序有下列優點:
a. 專利在再審查程序中並不推定有效,審理標準較低。
b. 較法院程序費用低廉且審理較迅速。
c. .審查委員因具專業技術背景,較法官願意審閱專利技術內容爭議。
d. 可藉此技術性暫停同時間進行之訴訟。
(12) 對於想撤銷專利權人專利的競爭者而言,單方或多方再審查程序有下列缺點:
a. 再審查程序存活下來的專利權項要經由法院程序或另行新再審查程序撤銷變得更不容易。
b. 專利權人也可以技術性暫停同時間進行之訴訟,因此拖延時間。
c. 較有力之前案若在再審查程序中失敗,該前案在法院程序中的說服力將降低。
d. 統計顯示再審查程序很難撤銷所有專利權項,在法院程序中較可能撤銷所有專利權項。
(13) 對於想藉單方再審查程序強化其專利的專利權人而言,再審查程序提供下列優點:
a. 專利權人可在進行昂貴侵權訴訟前,先確定某些前案時是否影響其專利可專利性。
b. 可藉此技術性暫停同時間進行之訴訟。
c. 在審查過程中與審查委員互動無其他人干擾,可主導說明對前案的觀點。
(14) 對於想藉單方再審查程序強化其專利的專利權人而言,再審查程序提供下列缺點:
a. 可能失去所有或部份專利權項或所有或部份專利權項之專利範圍需作限縮。
b. 必需盡資訊揭露 (information disclosure statement)義務。
(15) 是否選擇再審查程序牽涉到包括訴訟等策略問題,無論是專利權人或想撤銷專利權人專利的競爭者,在作出決定前,應對上述因素衡量後,作整體考量。
(16) 再審查統計數據:
a. 根據作者Gerald J. Mossingoff等所著Post-Grant Review of Patent一文 ,所提供資料,在1981年7月1日至2002年3月1日期間內,共有6260件單方再審查請求,其中,2695件(43%)為專利權人自己提出,3427件(55%)由第三方提出,138件(2%)由專利商標局自己提出,其中20%牽涉專利訴訟。
b. 根據Glenn E. Von Tersch etc. 的文章 指出87%的再審查請求獲准 。同時該文章提供專利權項(claims)經再審查的結果之統計,以專利權項確認(confirmed); 修正(amended); 及撤銷(cancelled)區分表示,其分佈如下表所示:
全部確認; 無修正;無撤銷
全部撤銷: 無確認; 無修正
部分確認: 部分修正; 無撤銷
部分修正: 部分撤銷; 無確認
部分修正: 部分撤銷; 部分確認
部分修正: 無確認; 無撤銷
部分確認; 部分撤銷; 無修正
c. 由上表其中項次3到7指專利範圍有更動,包括部份撤銷或修正,佔55%。專利權項全部確認佔30%。專利權項全部撤銷僅佔15%。

USPTO內部評估當事者系複審程序,並綜合各界意見後,提出下列六點 : 1. 現行當事者系複審程序對於第三者有高度的禁反言危險。依35 USC315(c)及317(b),第三者對於在當事者系複審程序中,除了新發現無法利用之先前技術外,對於系爭專利之有效性所提出之理由或可能提出之(could have raised)理由 被認為系爭專利有效可予專利,於嗣後之訴訟中主張該系爭專利無效有禁反言之適用。 2. 在專利權人對於USPTO之官方動作未回應之情況下(例如所有請求項被專利審查人員認為均有可專利性),第三請求者直到上訴程序前,均被排除參與複審之審查。即使專利權人未為回應,允許第三請求者參與複審可能是必須的,易言之,宜提供第三請求者對於USPTO每一官方動作均有獨立的申復說明權利。 3. 35USC314(b)(3)規定,第三請求者提出申復說明的期限是在專利所有人回應後之30天內,加重第三請求者的不正當負擔(undue burden)且可能讓請求者無法發揮有效之申復能力。在如此短的時間,第三請求者可能無法適當提出有效的事證之申復,致系爭專利被複審為具可專利性,卻又在嗣後訴訟有禁反言之適用。延長第三請求者申復說明之期限,或授權PTO局長以細則規定期限,會有助於第三請求者準備其申復說明資料。 4. 複審請求者所能提出之先前技術證據受到相當限制,只能用專利前案及公開出版資料。其他關於專利有效之問題,例如產業利用性(operability),可利用性(enablement),說明書揭露,申請前之使用或販賣等並不能提出做為複審之理由。 5. 複審申請費對於個人或中小企業等小個體(small entity)並無減免,因此小個體之第三者提出複審的費用與在法院主張專利無效相比,並無顯著費用上之利益。 6. 當事者系複審並不適用於1999年10月29日之前的專利申請案,因而此一程序無法用來挑戰許多現行有效的專利。 7. 在2004年5月之前,第三者可以提出連續的審查者系複審申請,使用和第一件複審相同的證據資料,取得參與複審的權利,但無當事者系複審禁反言之危險。USPTO發現此一不公平現象,乃於2004年5月修正MPEP之2240,規定第二件複審使用和前一複審中新的實質的可專利性問題之先前技術相同時,不構成新的實質的可專利性問題。 四、未來發展 USPTO建議授予後複審(Post-Grant Review),此一程序被列在21世紀策略計畫中並在2002年提交國會,授予後複審比原複審制更為完整,可讓當事人在USPTO之行政法官合議體前進行言詞審理。更嚴謹的調查程序及交叉詰問(cross-examination)可在此程序中進行,讓當事人提出充分之理由。 柒、結論 (1) 由美國專利無效制度之歷史沿革以觀,法院對於專利無效主張之權限是政府對於不當專利授予之限制。且基於已逾200年的歷史,專利無效一向由法院判斷。 (2) 在美國取得專利權後,由於專利有效性推定以及訴訟費用高昂,專利權人在訴訟中往往占有優勢,被告考量訴訟費用高於授權金的情況下,往往和解了事,但實際上經法院審查後,專利無效的比率甚高 。在此背景下,希望提高專利有效性之比率,以提高專利權之被信賴度及穩定度,成為最高目標。 (3) 在此目標下的執行方法,包括專利授予前、後之審查。授予前審查即為USPTO於2003年提經國會通過「21世紀策略計畫」(the 21th century strategic plan),以提升專利審查品質為重要目標。授予後審查即為複審制度,但從複審制度的建立及修正可以看出,距離理想的授予後審查制度仍很遙遠,例如審查者系複審法案中原先強迫訴訟者提出先前審查所未考慮過之先前技術文獻給USPTO之規定遭刪除;當事者系複審開設第三者參與之程序,卻加入對第三者極端不利的民事訴訟禁反言規定。可見專利權人在立法過程仍具有可觀之影響力。 (4) 美國複審制度雖因立法不周延而運作不成功,但並無取消之議,USPTO仍建議予以修正,未來將進行授予後審查,讓專利有效性爭執儘量歸由USPTO審查。各民間團體亦有相同建議,例如美國智慧財產法律協會 (American Intellectual Property Law Association,簡稱AIPLA)即指出:當事者系複審有太多限制,建議採專利授予後9個月內異議之制度,可異議理由包含專利法102及103之事由,異議由行政法官審查(現行負責複審之審查官不足勝任),專利權人和第三者在審查及救濟有同等權利,刪除第三者禁反言規定等 。另有團體建議應將複審擴大適用至所有有效存在之專利。 (5) 我國及日本等將專利無效歸給行政機關之舉發制度審理,最大的問題是民事法院的侵權訴訟常常會等待行政機關對於專利無效之決定,希望侵權訴訟速審者常希望能仿照美國法院直接審理專利無效之制度。因而日本及我國均在專利侵權訴訟開設一部分之專利無效判斷權限,但仍維持行政機關之舉發審理。由美國也在行政機關開設複審制度來看,反而走向相當於我國之舉發制度。 我國智慧財產法院成立後,雖然亦可審理專利無效問題,但借鏡美國,宜將專利無效問題儘量歸由智慧財產局資深審查人員審查,而智慧財產局在專利審查品質仍應持續提升,舉發審查必須縮短審查時間,建立合議及言詞審查程序並簡併訴願層級,方能營造更優質之智慧財產權環境。

部分美國國會議員認為現有的單方及多方再審查程序仍有許多需補足之處,其中國會議員於編號H.R.2215 草案 中提議在現有再審查程序外,增加類似於歐洲專利局(EPO)的專利核准後異議(objection)程序。該異議程序設立一異議小組,由18位專利行政法官(patent administrative judge)所組成,審查委員則被指派協助再審查程序,但曾審理該專利之審查委員不能參與再審查程序,其最大不同點在於限訂異議程序需在專利核准後9個月內提出,但其證據不限於書面證據,證言(deposition)、宣誓書(affidavit)及直接或交互詰問(examination)內容均可作為證據,且該異議程序採用聯邦證據規則(Federal Rule of Evidence)。此異議程序的目的在於提供一更接近法院解決專利有效性的程序。

整理自 ”美國專利再審查程序及其沿革”
美國Franklin Pierce Law Center MIP joint JD 候選人 NA
智慧財產局刊登日期: 2005/01

Introduction of inter partes reexamination procedure

Although the previously existing ex parte reexamination procedure is still available, new patent rules have been implemented in accordance with the provisions of AIPA which allow for an inter partes reexamination procedure for the purpose of encouraging participation by parties wishing to challenge the validity of a patent issued from a patent application filed on or after November 29, 1999.

The current ex parte reexamination rules permit third parties to initiate a prior art based challenge to the validity of the claims of an issued patent by submitting "new" prior art documents to the USPTO with a request that the claims be reexamined in view of these new art disclosures. Thereafter, the third party plays little or no further role in the reexamination process.

According to the new inter partes reexamination procedure, the third party challenger has the opportunity to participate to a much greater extent, particularly by having the opportunity to submit a written reply to submissions by the patentee filed in response to new USPTO actions resulting from reexamination of the issued claims.

Unfortunately, several disadvantages for the potential patent challenger are expected to limit use of this new procedure. For example, unlike in the ex parte reexamination proceedings, challengers employing the inter partes proceedings must reveal their identity which is a significant strategic disadvantage, particularly for small companies who want to challenge the patent of a large competitor. Furthermore, an unsuccessful challenger using the inter partes procedure (and/or the challenger’s "privies") cannot challenge the validity of the claims again, either during subsequent litigation or by filing another request for inter partes reexamination for any prior art issue which was or could have been raised in the first reexamination. This "could have been raised" requirement presents a significant barrier to subsequent defensive litigation and is expected to make later validity challenges very difficult, even when the challenger was unaware of a given piece of prior art at the time of the initial reexamination.

These "estoppels" against later validity challenges may be very dangerous for the challenger as a later infringement defendant and this concern is likely to keep most patent challengers from requesting inter partes reexamination, except in situations where later litigation is very unlikely.

依據37 CFR1.565(c)之規定
同時有複數單方再審案存在時 應併案審查之 請見


If ex parte reexamination is ordered while a prior ex parte reexamination proceeding is pending and prosecution in the prior ex parte reexamination proceeding has not been terminated, the ex parte reexamination proceedings will be consolidated and result in the issuance of a single certificate under § 1.570. For merger of inter partes reexamination proceedings, see § 1.989(a). For merger of ex parte reexamination and inter partes reexamination proceedings, see § 1.989(b).

Intervening right in REE case with 35 USC 307

US Reissue Regulation

壹 法源與判例

1.35 USC 251(申請要件) 2.35 USC 252(中用權要件)
(1)已獲得專利證號之專利 (1)實質相同(substantial Identical)

(2)欲擴大專利權範圍 須於兩年內為之 (2)絕對以及衡平中用權

(1)欲擴大專利權範圍 需於兩年內為之 因此擴大與否為Reissue申請之生效要件
(2)欲排除中用權 實質相同為生效要件

(1)1944 In re Freedlander:
確定是否任何侵害再發證申請請求項之結構亦侵害原專利請求項 若否 則再發證請求項較原有者寬廣
(2)1957 Rohm&Hass Co. v. Roberts Chemicals, Inc.
(3)1960 In re Ruth
(4)1987 Tillotson, Ltd. V. Walbro Corp.
若某物侵害再發證請求項 卻不侵害原專利請求項 則再發證請求項係擴大的

(2)1984 Seattle Box Co., Inc v. Industrial Crating&Packing, Inc.
相同最多指的是”未有實質的改變(without substantive change)”
(3)1986 Kaufman Company, Inc v. Lantech, Inc.
CAFC: “請求項範圍必須相同 但並非必需使用相同的用語” “相同已被解釋為必需包含少許字眼的改變”
(4)1987 Slimfold Mfg. Co., Inc. v. Kinkead Industries, Inc.
“是否請求項的改變是實質的” “撰寫錯誤之修改並未擴大請求權範圍”
(5)1989 Tennant Co. v. Hako Minuteman, Inc.
(6)1997 Bloom Engineering Co. Inc. v. NEC Corp.

貳 Funai Case中的中用權討論

1. Funai Ree Case Background
(2)申請單方Ree日期:08/31/2007(申請號 90/008,828) 以及 12/27/2007(申請號 90/010,075) 兩案已併案(依據37CFR 1.565(C) )
Group A: claim1-claim24 無修正更改 與原申請專利範圍相同
Group B: claim 25-claim 44 加入ITC法官於審判時加入的四個限制 與原申請專利範圍不同
2. Ree 適用 Reiss中用權之規定:
35 USC 307根據美國專利法第307條(b)[1]之規定,經過再審查後所作修改或新增之請求項(amended or new claim),與第252條規定之再發證效力相同,亦有中用權之適用。
因此 Funai Case 適用252條中用權規定
3. Group A B 之中用權分析
基於Group A並未修改亦非新增之請求項 不適用中用權的規定
Group B係加入4個新的限制條件(即ITC法官對原申請專利範圍之解讀) 因此 屬於修改以及新增之請求項 Group B適用35USC252之規定
4. Group B是否與原請求項”實質相同”?
以”未有實質的改變”之要件檢驗Group B與原請求項相較之認定可能為下列三種:
(1)Group B被認定為擴大à與原請求項不相同à非實質相同à適用中用權(2)Group B被認定為修正à為明確所為之修正或字詞調整à實質相同à不適用中用權
(3)Group B 被認定為縮小à與原請求項不同à非實質相同à適用中用權
本案之Group B claim 基於係加入新的元件 與原請求項明顯非實質相同 因
此不論被認定為擴大或縮小請求項範圍 均有中用權的適用

5. claim與中用權關係簡圖

[1] (b) Any proposed amended or new claim determined to be patentable and incorporated into a patent following a reexamination proceeding will have the same effect as that specified in section 252 of this title for reissued patents on the right of any person who made, purchased, or used within the United States, or imported into the United States, anything patented by such proposed amended or new claim, or who made substantial preparation for the same, prior to issuance of a certificate under the provisions of subsection (a) of this section.

Hilton Davis Chemical Co. v . Warner-Jenkinson

Hilton Davis Chemical Co. v . Warner-Jenkinson
1. 在以均等論判斷一專利侵權行為時,除了必須證明Graver Tank Graver Tank & Manufacturing Co. v. Linde Air Products Co., 339 U.S. 605[70 S.Ct. 854, 94 L.Ed 1097](1950)。一案及與該判例同旨判例所建立的三元論(triple identity test)外,是否還需要符合其他要件?若是,為何要件?所謂三元論即判斷專利範圍及鑑定物間是否具相同的或本質性相同的(the same or substantially the same)(1)作用(function)(2)方式(way)(3)及結果(result)。2. 在以均等論判斷一專利侵權行為時,該侵權行為之判決是否應為由法院所判定或是應由陪審團就事實決定?3. 當一疑似侵權行為發生且該行為並非主張範圍的字面上侵害(literal infringement),均等論是否可無條件的被擴張運用以排除該疑似侵權行為?
一、 在以均等論判斷一專利侵權行為時,當該被比對範圍為一非本質性差異時,均等論方可適用。一般而言,作用、方式與結果三要件的比對就可以決定被比對物間差異的程度。但是,除上述三要件外,其他要件如已知可置換性(know interchangeability)、複製證據(evidence of copying)、迴避設計(designing around)也可於決定被比對物間差異程度時作考量,但其他要件之出現端視控辯雙方於案情中如何陳述。法官無權預測其他要件的出現,但有權決定控辯雙方所陳述要件,何者應被列入考量。二、 在以均等論判斷一專利侵權行為時,均等論之適用與否不應由陪審團為之。三、 當一疑似侵權行為發生且該行為並非主張範圍的字面上侵害(literal infringement)時,法官有權選擇均等論是否適用。
均等論被應用於擴張一包含連續數個步驟之方法專利範圍時,其專利範圍之擴張最多僅允許在該專利所主張的界限內,一對等步驟之替換。本案中,專利範圍及被控方法間並沒有對等可替換的步驟。可言均等論的正確使用下,本席認為本案並無專利侵權情事發生。Hilton Davis必須擴充其專利主張範圍始得排除Warner Jenkinson行使其自行研發之方法,否則Warner Jenkinson不應該被宣判為專利侵權者。
巡迴法院法官保霖紐曼(Pauline Newman)提附議意見;
一、 專利文字中包括了欲以均等論救濟之範圍時;若一專利所主張較廣之字面上範圍被判定為無效後,專利所有人試著以均等論救濟該範圍 Graver Tank。﹔或若較廣之字面上範圍因其他限制而被判定為無侵權情事時,專利所有人試著以均等論救濟該範圍。 Malta v. Schulmerich Carillons Inc., 952 F.2d 1320, 21 U.S.P.Q. 2d 1161(Fed. Cir. 1991)。二、 一專利主張範圍中並沒有包括專利組成裡某一部份之已知替代品時,專利所有人試著以均等論將該部份涵蓋於其中:一防止齒輪逆轉之槓桿被一組已知知齒條及一小齒輪所替代 Rite-Hite Corp. v. Kelley Co., 819 F.ed 1120, 2 U.S.P.Q. 2d 1915(Fed. Cir. 1987)。﹔一帶狀互感器被一已知之環狀的互感器所替代 Perkin-Elmer Corp. v. Westinghouse Electrin Corp., 822 F. 2d 1528, 3 U.S.P.Q. 2d (Fed. Cir. 1987)。。三、 專利的設計經明顯的更改,以避免涉及字面上之專利範圍後;該被控物之設計落於該專利與該專利之母專利範圍間,且審查員認為該母專利之範圍太廣應加以縮減時,均等論被引用以將該被控部份涵蓋於該專利中 Laitram Corp. v. Cambridge Wire Cloth Co., 863 F. 2d 855, 9 U.S.P.Q. 2d 1289(Fed. Cir. 1988)。﹔該被控物之設計落於該專利與已知技術或知識間,均等論被引用以將該被控部份涵蓋於該專利中 Wilson Sporting Goods Co. v. David Geogffrey & Assoc., 904 F. 2d 677, 14 U.S.P.Q. 2d 1942(Fed. Cir. 1990)。。四、 因為科技的進步,專利範圍中的某一部份已被更改或已變得不必要時;於一多步驟過程中之某一步驟被併入另一步驟 Corning Glass Works v. Sumitomo Elec. U.S.A., Inc., 868 F. 2d 1251, 9 U.S.P.Q. 2d 1962(Fed Cir 1989)。或於一多步驟過程中之某一步驟被省略 Pennwalt Corp. v. Durand-Wayland, Inc., 833 F.2d 931, 4 U.S.P.Q.2d 1737(Fed. Cir. 1987)。於是均等論被引用以將被更改或省略的物或方法涵蓋於該專利中。

Claim Construction after AWH

a. Markman 聽證程序的時點—多數安排在證據開示程序之後,與言詞辯論庭之前根據美國律師協會(ABA)統計資料顯示,美國法院審理專利案件中,大約58%的法院在證據開示程序之後,言詞辯論庭之前進行Markman 聽證程序;有大約22%的法院在證據開示程序時進行;有大約12%的法院在言詞辯論庭時進行;僅僅8%的法院在證據開示程序之前即進行Markman 聽證程序。

b. 地方法院法官亦可以也可以根據聯邦證據規則第706 條的規定,透過任命一個專門的、不具有偏見的、處於第三者地位之「技術專家」,直接提供給法官關於相關技術的知識,幫助法庭解釋申請專利範圍。法官仍須進行解釋申請專利範圍之分析判斷,並自行做出最終的決定。

c. 一份申請專利範圍聲明,即一般所說的「申請專利範圍技術特徵比對表(claim chart)」,該表格包括所有系爭之申請專利範圍技術特徵解析、與被控侵權對象之技術內容之解析,以及兩者之比對結果。該表格用於進行比對,決定每一項申請專利範圍中的技術特徵構成要件是否在被控侵權對象之技術內容中被讀取(read on)。這一過程可以決定對申請專利範圍進行解釋的範圍,這樣被控侵權人可以清楚哪些申請專利範圍中的用語、詞彙引起爭議。哪些申請專利範圍構成要件需要進行解釋。


內部證據(intrinsic evidence)與外部證據(extrinsic evidence)。
申請專利範圍(claims)、專利說明書(specification)與專利之申請歷史檔案(prosecution history)等三種資料來源;
主要包括專家證言( experttestimony)、發明人證言(inventor testimony)、字典(dictionary)與學術論文(learned treatises)等。
1.Markman v. Westview Instruments, 52 F.3d 967 (Fed. Cir. 1995)
2.Vitronics Corp. v. Conceptronic, Inc., 90 F.3d 1576 (Fed. Cir. 1996)
(2) 專利說明書是申請專利範圍之唯一最佳指引
當專利說明書對申請專利範圍中所使用之用語,有明確或隱含之定義時,該專利說明書便具有如同字典之功能。故專利說明書往往具有決定性(dispositive),且對有爭執用語之意義為唯一之最佳指引(the single best guide)。
(3) 已引用之先前技術為內部證據之一部份

度關連性,更已到了密不可分的程度;而Vitronics 案中,法院則更
(2) 對於「申請歷史檔案」- 當事人進行主義

Texas Digital Systems Inc .v. Telegenix Inc., 308 F.3d 1193 (Fed. Cir. 2002).
Texas Digital 案:對使用字典來解釋申請專利範圍
2. 專利的本質是在於描述新穎的事物,而發明通常是新穎的,因此,極可能不存在適當的用語來描述它,換言之,也就是字典永遠無法跟㆖發明㆟的腳步。

Phillips 案:重新討論解讀申請專利範圍時如何適

詰問(cross examination),該專家證言更可能會帶有偏見的色彩。相

Claim construction

(2)申請專利範圍區別原則(The doctrine of claim differentiation )

1. 申請專利範圍:推定其平常涵義



What is “Technological Arts test”:

In Diamond v. Chakrabarty, 447 U.S. 303,309 (1980), the U.S. Supreme Court famouslysaid, quoting from the legislative history of the 1952 Patent Act, that the subject matter of a patent may include “anything under the sun that is made by man.” Section 101 of the act broadly extends the possibility of patent protection to “any new and useful process, machine, manufacture or composition of matter.” Except for substituting the word “process” for the earlier term “art,” this statutory language is unchanged from the Patent Act of 1793, authored by Thomas Jefferson.
The reach of the statute is limited, however, by the rule that no one may patent laws of nature, physical phenomena or abstract ideas. Of course, inventions use laws of nature and abstract ideas. Therefore, patents will be granted when an invention uses a law of nature or an abstract idea to “transform” an article to “a different state or thing,” or to produce “a concrete and tangible result.”
Prior to Ex Parte Lundgren, patent examiners routinely rejected business method patent claims that were unrelated to a computer or electronic device, on the basis that such claimed inventions lacked a technological basis, and therefore were not within the requisite "technological arts". This policy, which has commonly become linked to the so-called "technological arts" test, became standard operating procedure at the PTO. The "technological arts" test derives, at least in part, from the In re Musgrave decision, in which the court observed that "[a]ll that is necessary, in our view, to make a sequence of operational steps a statutory 'process' within 35 U.S.C. § 101 is that it be in the technological arts so as to be in consonance with the Constitutional purpose to promote the progress of 'useful arts.' Const. Art. 1, sec. 8."

In this case, the examiner initially rejected the application on the ground that the claimed invention was outside the bounds of statutory subject matter under § 101 of the 1952 patent act. A BPAI panel reversed, finding that “the claim language recites subject matter that is a practical application of shifting of physical assets to the manager.” After a remand from the BPAI, the application was rejected again, now on the ground that the invention did not fall within the “technological arts.” The examiner found the invention “to be outside the technological arts, namely an economic theory expressed as a mathematical algorithm without the disclosure or suggestion of a computer,
automated means [or] apparatus of any kind.”

The examiner rejected the claims arguing that they were “outside the technical arts, namely an economic theory expressed as a mathematical algorithm without the disclosure or suggestion of a computer, automated means, apparatus of any kind, the invention as claimed is found non-statutory.”
IN RE BERNARD L. BILSKI and RAND A. WARSAW案情簡單描述2008年10月30日美國聯邦巡迴法院(CAFC)針對IN RE BILSKI案做出了判決,其結果涉及是商業方法專利、軟體專利是否適格的爭議(patent-eligible subject matter)可參考:
http://www.cafc.uscourts.gov/opinions/07-1130.pdfBernard L. Bilski and Rand A. Warsaw為美國專利第08/833,892號(簡稱Bilski案)申請案的申請人,針對BPAI(訴願與衝突委員會)對Bilski案做出的最終核駁提出上訴(CAFC,2007年10月1日),申請人認為審查委員(包括USPTO與BPAI)對Bilski案做出錯誤的核駁審定,BPAI審定結果認為該案違反美國專利法第101條所規定適格的專利標的。Bilski案的主要範圍列舉如下:A method for managing the consumption risk costs of a commodity sold by a commodity provider at a fixed price comprising the steps of:(a) initiating a series of transactions between said commodity provider and consumers of said commodity wherein said consumers purchase said commodity at a fixed rate based upon historical averages, said fixed rate corresponding to a risk position of said consumer;(b) identifying market participants for said commodity having a counter-risk position to said consumers; and(c) initiating a series of transactions between said commodity provider and said market participants at a second fixed rate such that said series of market participant transactions balances the risk position of said series of consumer transactions.Bilski案主要範圍是有關日常用品價格為固定價格的管理方法,目的是能夠降低日常生活所需物品的價格的變動幅度,以免影響民生。該案步驟有在日常生活用品供應商與消費者間,使用一個根據歷史平均值的第一固定利率交易,而此第一固定利率更是站在消費者的風險考量上;接著,識別相反於消費者立場的供應商;最後,使用根據供應商收支與消費者風險考量決定的第二固定利率進行交易。這件案子明顯是個「商業方法」,USPTO核駁理由是其範圍違反美國專利法第101條,『claims 1-11, the invention is not implemented on a specific apparatus and merely manipulates [an] abstract idea and solves a purely mathematical problem without any limitation to a practical application, therefore, the invention is not directed to the technological arts』,其中理由認為此範圍僅為一種人為操作的概念或數學問題,並無技術性。同時,申請人在答辯時亦承認此方法並非建構於電腦作業上。然而,在訴願期間,BPAI針對USPTO審查委員的理由指出,審查委員錯誤引用「technological art」的測試,亦並無任何判例有提出這類測試。並且認為,如果請求範圍能夠由一個狀態轉換到另一個(if there is a transformation of physical subject matter from one state to another),則並非權利範圍沒有寫出特定裝置就表示沒有適格的專利標的(may still be directed to patent-eligible subject matter)。BPAI以化學元素混合的結果為例,化學元素的混合並非需要任何裝置,而能以人工合成、轉換成新的物質,這仍是可專利的。此時,BPAI好像是站在申請人這裡,其實不然,BPAI認為Bilski案的請求範圍並無包括任何適格的轉換(patent-eligible transformation),其中依據風險判斷價格、供應商、消費者等特徵間並無可專利的標的,仍決定該案並無產業利用性(useful),維持不准予專利的判決。經以上對談,排除了USPTO審查委員對「technological art」與「specific apparatus」錯誤判斷的測試之後,此案即變成單純是否符合專利法第101條規定的議題。根據美國專利法第101條規定:『Whoever invents or discovers any new and useful process, machine, manufacture, or composition of matter, or any new and useful improvement thereof, may obtain a patent therefor, subject to the conditions and requirements of this title』。其中描述了四種可專利的類別:process、machine、manufacture與composition of matter,Bilski案明顯能歸類為其中的「process」,而是否為new and useful變成主要議題。歷史上對「process」有眾多解釋,比如,如果請求範圍為自然法則(laws of nature)、(natural phenomena)自然現象、心智活動(mental process)、與抽象概念(abstract idea),此類發明並無法專利。最後,CAFC採用了一種「machine-or-transformation test」(Benson)作為是否符合專利法第101條所規定的法定標的的測試,最高法院的意見是:『It is argued that a process patent must either be tied to a particular machine or apparatus or must operate to change articles or materials to a 'different state or thing.' We do not hold that no process patent could ever qualify if it did not meet the requirements of our prior precedents』在另一判決(Diehr)中,『Transformation and reduction of an article to a different state or thing’ is the clue to the patentability of a process claim that does not include particular machines』其中「轉換」成為無特定機器的方法步驟(包括商業方法、電腦軟體)專利案的判斷準則。(Diehr判決中,有另一討論,應用領域的限制並不足以在方法案中產生適格的專利範圍;數學演算法仍不符法定專利標的;不足夠的活動並無法讓不能專利的原理轉為可專利的步驟)上述「machine-or-transformation test」有兩個要求,符合其一即符合專利法第101條所規定的process的適格專利:
claim is tied to a particular machine, or請求範圍應聯繫於特定機器上,或是
claim transforms an article into a different state or thing請求範圍應轉換一物品至不同的狀態或是東西上述要求已經屏棄傳統以「useful, concrete and tangible results」作為是否符合101規定的原則,若將上述要求套在Bilski案來看,該案申請人認為該案並非限制於特定機器或是裝置上,所以,該專利是否有轉換物品至另一狀態則為判斷是否符合101規定的關鍵。Bilski案結果:『Thus, claim 1 does not involve the transformation of any physical object or substance, or an electronic signal representative of any physical object or substance. Given its admitted failure to meet the machine implementation part of the test as well, the claim entirely fails the machine-or-transformation test and is not drawn to patent-eligible subject matter.』CAFC認為,該案請求範圍並未能將物品改變至不同的狀態或東西,該案的Claim 1無關轉換任何物體或物質,或電子訊號所表示的物體或物質,加上如同申請人承認的,該範圍並無關機器,故該請求範圍完全不符合於「machine-or- transformation test」的測試,不符101規定之適格專利。列舉引用In re Bilski判例核駁的實例的理由如下:

MMP case issue: brief for TPL v. ARM (Civil Action No. 2:05-CV-494 (TJW)

TECHNOLOGY PROPERTIES LTD. and Patriot Scientific Corp., Plaintiffs, v. MATSUSHITA ELECTRIC INDUSTRIAL CO., LTD., et al., Defendants. (Civil Action No. 2:05-CV-494 (TJW).)


The TPL Group has said that its motion to simplify and streamline the Moore Microprocessor Patent™ (MMP) Portfolio infringement trial in the US District Court in the Eastern District of Texas has been granted. Accordingly, a partial judgment of non-infringement on certain products stipulates the following:
Because the limitation “operands in the instruction register must be right justified” is imported during claim construction procedure, the element “instruction groups” of the accused claim of US Patent 5,784,584 (US ‘584) is deemed non-infringed for the purpose of this trial, based on the Court's claim interpretation, thereby allowing appeal from this claim interpretation ruling to be initiated immediately, rather than waiting until the end of trial.
All accused ARM core families (ARM7, ARM9, ARM9E, ARM10E, ARM11), as well as the ARM Cortex microprocessor core family, are deemed non-infringed under the Court's claim interpretation of "instruction groups," thereby removing ARM as an intervener in the Texas Court trial.

Under above, Manufactors are able to argue that all scalar chips implemented with ARM cores are non-infringed for US ‘584, including MTK’s Atv Dtv product and Genesis’s Dtv product , so as to cut the royalty for MMP.
Moreover, the limitation "operands must be right justified" could be imported to evaluate other MCU core, such as 805X and MIPS, for better argument bases.


A. background
TPL raised a suit alleged the companies infringed U.S. Patents Nos. 5,809,336; 5,784,584 and 6,598,148
Technology Properties Limited Inc. (TPL) suits against certain companies in the Fujitsu, Matsushita, NEC and Toshiba groups of companies and became a defendant in their court cases., originally filed in October 2005 in the United States District Court for the Eastern District of Texas (Marshall Division), alleged the companies infringed U.S. Patents Nos. 5,809,336; 5,784,584 and 6,598,148. All of the defendants were ARM licensees and as part of the preliminary infringement contentions, filed in July 2006, it was alleged that certain ARM technology infringes a single claim in the 584 patent.
Motion of ARM. Ltd, Inc. To Intervene
On July 18, 2006, TPL served Infringement Contentions accusing at least four Toshiba chips of infringement for which the identification of allegedly infringing technology was various ARM Products.
On August 14, TPL filed a motion to supplement its prior Infringement Contentions and specifically accused ARM Products in at least 5 different Toshiba chips, 2 different MEI chips and an NEC chip. TPL’s contentions are specifically targeted at ARM Products. TPL identifies nothing unique to the accused chip outside of ARM’s Products for these allegations of infringement of the ‘584 patent. In September 2006 ARM filed a motion to intervene in the litigation and that motion has been granted and as a result ARM is now a defendant in the law suit, the company said in a statement accompanying its third quarter financial results.

B. Claim construction

Disputed Construction of the critical claim element “instruction groups”

The plaintiff
“sets of from 1 to a maximum number of sequential instructions, each set being provided to the instruction register as a unit and having a boundary.”
The defendants
"sets of from 1 to a maximum number of sequential instructions, in which the execution of the instruction depends
on each set being provided to the instruction register as a unit and in which any operand that is present must be right justified
and which cannot encompass a single 32–bit traditional conventional instruction."
The dispute
1.whether an operand that is present in the instruction group must be right justified
2.whether the instruction group may encompass a single 32–bit traditional conventional instruction.

C. Reasoning and Holding
The specification and prosecution history refer to the fact that operands in the instruction register must be right justified.
The applicants, however, did not exclude a single 32–bit instruction as an instruction group. In a preferred embodiment, a microprocessor
fetches instructions “in 32–bit chunks called 4–byte instruction groups” where an “instruction group may contain from one to four instructions.
“ 584 patent, 23:4–5, 19:18–19. If a 4–byte (or 32– bit) instruction group contains one instruction, then the instruction group may contain a single 32–bit instruction.

The Court construes “instruction groups” to mean “sets of from 1 to a maximum number of sequential instructions, each set being provided
to the instruction register as a unit and having a boundary, and in which any operand that is present must be right justified.”

Plaintiff appealed, CAFC AFFIRMED, 276 Fed.Appx. 1019 C.A.Fed. (Tex.),2008.